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OPSI Service S.r.l. - Innovative SME

An SME is defined as innovative based on the volume of investments in research, development and innovation, the high-level resources and the ownership of the rights for the developed software. Innovation is one of our corporate values ​​and we have always used this term to identify ourselves. Now we have confirmation of our being "innovative" also from a legal point of view.

Company information

OPSI Service S.r.l. a single shareholder

Established in Como on 7 January 2002 with a Deed stipulated with the Notary Massimo Caspani, Via Bianchi Giovini 41 Como, Directory no. 40544 Collection no. 14352.

  • Legal and operational headquarters: Via Galileo Galilei 32, Nova Milanese (MB), 20834;
  • Tax code and VAT number: 02645810132;
  • PEC address:;
  • CCIAA/REA: MB - 1692685;
  • Social capital: Euro 25.000 i.v.;
  • Research and development expenses incurred in 2022: Euro 53.588,41.

Corporate purpose

The company's corporate purpose is all activities in the IT sector, corporate organization and technological, management and administrative consultancy services for companies and institutions.

By way of example but not limited to, the company carries out the following activities:

  • the organization and planning of computer systems;
  • the study, the realisation, the development of systems informativi aziendali, the training of personnel on of packages applicativi informatici also of third, the training of IT collaborators;
  • the programming of computer languages ​​and data processing systems;
  • the data processing activity in general and in particular through the use of IT tools, as well as the presentation, hiring, organization and management, on its own and on behalf of others, of technical-IT services to favor of public and private bodies, companies, professions, individuals and businesses;
  • the sale of complete computer systems, electrical and electronic machines, personal computers, printers, data processing and telephony equipment, all with the exclusion of reserved professional activities.

The company may, in a secondary way, for the achievement of the corporate purposes:

  • carry out all the commercial, industrial and real estate operations necessary or useful for the achievement of the corporate purpose;
  • fulfil, on a non-prevalent road and not in relation to the public, financial and mobiliari operations, grant sureties, guarantees, sureties and real and non-real guarantees, also in favor of third parties;
  • assume, only for the purpose of permanent investment and not for placement, either directly or indirectly, shareholdings or interests in other companies or entities having an analogous or similar object or in any case connected to its own.

All in compliance with the provisions of the law and with the exclusion of intermediation activities and those reserved for members of colleges, orders or professional registers.

Partners and employees

The members of OPSI Service S.r.l. single shareholder are:

The employees of OPSI Service S.r.l. there are 5, of which 3 have a three-year degree. 40% of the workforce contributes to the innovative activity of OPSI Service S.r.l. and holds degrees in Computer Science and Engineering. Previous professional experiences range from dba, software developer to data analyst and software engineer.


There are no trust companies, holding companies and investee companies.

Professional relationships with incubators, investors, research universities

OPSI Service S.r.l. a socio unico has no relationship with certified incubators, institutional and professional investors, universities and research centres.

Ultimo bilancio depositato

Consult the latest financial statements filed by OPSI Service S.r.l. a single shareholder.

Exclusive rights on industrial and intellectual property

The company owns patent rights on industrial and intellectual property. The following computer programs are registered in the Special Public Register:

  • owns the exclusive rights relating to a computer program called "Logistic Hub Solution" registered under number D000015529 dated 27 May 2022;
  • owns the exclusive rights relating to a computer program called "Green Industrial Plant" registered under number D000019497 dated 18 April 2023.
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